Sunday, June 5, 2011

Assignment 3.3

Assignment 3.3 Comments on I found a comment and personal item on his page that was interesting about teachers using twitter. He obviously felt that it was a connection to the outside and kept things updated. I 100% agree with him on twitter and/or facebook. The school that I left recently frowned upon the use of facebook or twitter. They classified it at fraternizing with students and to be honest I got written up for it. I utilized the facebook for a pharmacology helpline. The students love it that if they got stuck they could post a question and I would answer it and everyone could see it. I also used it to keep in touch with students or to track down students if they fell off the face of the earth. So in one meeting,management is saying reach out to the students, make yourself available at all cost in order to keep our students. Then I get written up for fraternizing. I was able to bring students back after they dropped out because I could contact them through facebook, but to them again this was fraternizing. So I learned this meant no contact with students outside of the 4 walls that I taught in. I also agree with him on the fact that it can be used as a resource, a support system, a place for encouragement, a connection to current updated information. It could be used for students to vent (writing down there troubles in class), share knowledge and try to understand another point of view. I am at a new school since April and we actually have a facebook page and they encourage us to use it daily.


  1. It sounds like you have found a great way to use social media with your classes. That's a great idea to use it to compliment what is said in class and/or to answer questions.
    Thanks for the idea.

  2. Wow..that was frustrating I am sure - about the fraternization deal. Technology is here to stay. I think we need to use it to our advantage.

  3. I love your background and the ideas you mention are great. I do agree that technology and the fact that we need to use it as much as possible is true because in this day and age everybody has some sort of technical device. I wanted to also say that you must have a lot of patience to go into a new class setting and it sounds like you have a great sense of class ideas for your class
