Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Teaching and White Water Rafting: Are They Really Similiar ?

I have been a teacher for 8 years and encountered many problem semesters. many have easy fixes to them., some take weeks to correct and continuous monitoring and others I have yet to find a solution. Teaching is an adventure, just like rafting.  Everyday is exciting, tranquil, and action packed.  It is happiness at the end when the rafting is over just like a semester ending.  The struggles to battle the water is the same struggle to battle each class in a semester. 
I have an issue that has been ongoing for three years.  I have searched for an answer and honestly do not understand anything more today than I did when I met this girl three years ago.  Her parents are extremely successful and have pushed this girl (we will call her Ruth) into a field that she does not belong. Ruth is a special needs adult who attended special education her entire life in school.  Her parents make all of her decisions and THEY choose the Medical field.  She has a memory of gold and no problems passing exams if given the material to study.
Deep inside I think she has no interest in the medical field and only doing this for approval of her parents.  They have paid for 2 complete program in the medical field and pay me weekly to privately tutor her.  I have suggested other areas of interest for her, gave her parents a referral to OVR (occupational vocational rehab) which helps mentally challenged adults return to the work force and function in the work force.   I have suggested that maybe she try to apply for SSI because of her disability and her parents are just not interested in hearing anything other than what they believe in their heart.
I sit with her 3-7 hours per week and review stuff month after month..for three years..I have been doing this!!  I become frustrated with her because things that she should know just from everyday knowledge she doesn't know.  She lacks so much in life and so dependent on her parents.  Everyday skills like tying your shoes or how to use a knife.  She has very limited social skills and unable to think critically.
I will continue to push forward encountering yet another strong gust of water, progress is slow, we take 10 steps forward and 9 backwards.  I know that if I can ever get her to take her RMA exam and pass it, they sun will shine on me forever and the water will be calm for the rest of my travel.  I may never get her to take this test, I may wonder the rest of my life "why her parents set her up for failure" ?  But I am going to keep at it one step (one rapid) at a time!!!!