Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tough Decision

Tough Decision

Step 1: In the next couple weeks I am going to have to make a decision that is going to change my life.  I know it will affect my family and my way of life on daily bases.  I am in the second step process of being offered a new job as Program Director.  This will be a full time position and a substantial annual income.  This position is at a new school just being built with all new state of the art technology.  The school is 1 hour and 35 minutes away from my home.  I would have to leave Pennsylvania for 9 weeks for training in California.  
Step 2:  Possible choices:
  • Huge opportunity for advancement
  • Stay here at the school where I teach now,  which is closer and hope for full time position eventually
  • Move closer to new job
  • Uproot my daughter who is 15 and place her in new school and away from her boyfriend and close friends
  • Make the commute every day till my daughter is out of school in 3 years
  • Get an apartment local to school and only come home on weekends
  • Huge expense for additional living arrangements
  • A lot of miles on vehicle/gas to drive back and forth
  • Save money and wear and tear on vehicle by making the move closer
  • Moving closer would save me almost 3 hours a day in travel time
  • No visible advancement at school I am at now
  • Full time, benefits and large salary at new job
  • Part time now, no benefits and medium pay
  • Moving closer would then create a drive for my husband to return to the Allentown area for his job
  • Move half way for both of us so that we stay together as a family
  • Full time hours all day time hours 6-2 or 8-4 pm
Step 3: evaluate Pros and Cons
I see the big picture here that this is a new school and huge opportunity for advancement.  I recently worked at another school that was completely a dead end job with no ladder to work your way to the top.   The school I am at now is part time however may lead to full time eventually.  I see no advancement within the school to go anywhere else other than an instructor.  I have invested my time to get a Bachelor Degree to use to my career advancement, so staying where I am at probably has no benefit to use my education and create a challenge for me in life.  The con to the new job is the drive and distances.  I would have no problem leaving tomorrow, however I have one daughter left at home and she is 15 and in 10th grade.  So do I stay close to home at a part time no advancement job ?  Or do I take the position, make great money, drive 3 hours a day, need a new car every couple years and be away from my family ? 
Step 4: Selecting choice to meet the needs of my situation:   It does provide financial security, and everyone who knows me, know that I like money and lots of it!!! The personal fulfillment is that I would be a Program Director using my education to direct new instructors and build a better school based from my previous experience.   I have never had this important role and looking forward to the new challenges that may be ahead of me.  
Step 5: Implement a plan:  My short term goal at this point would be to be offered the position.  I would accept it with honors.  For the first 3-6 months I would drive back and fourth until I make sure I like it and plan to stay there for the long run.  My son is interested in going to school close to my new job so we could get an apartment together which would get my through the first year or even two years at my new job.  I would move to an area closer or even half way between my husband’s job and my new job.  I have nothing holding me to this particular area for a long term commitment.  
Summary: I know that things may change along the way and I may need to make adjustments.  This entire year has been a big change for me so why not take the risk and see where it leads.   A year ago I would never thought that I would be out of that dead end job.  I was happy with the overtime and paychecks.  I hated the management team that I worked under, nothing was fair but I had that security and I wasn’t going anywhere.  Imagine now I am no longer there, looking back now I think to myself why did I ever stick it out for as long as I did ?  You are never going to know until you take the leap of faith and try !!!